Often times I catch myself talking very intensely with God, like I'll be praying and just chatting with Him & then I break out into a puddle of tears & whether that's normal for other Christians or not, it's my normal.
Anyways, I came to praying and talking to God about how I treat people & how others treat me.
It began with me praying for people in general to start treating me as I deserve.. This sinful, fearful, shameful young girl deserves to be treated in a much better manor than she has. But why?
The way I treat other people is the same way I'm being treated & that got me thinking.. if I began to give my 100% to everyone- whether you're a stranger on the street, a customer at work, a family member & particularly the people I live with, or someone I highly disliike.. If I create enemies in my heart & I'm not giving 100% of who God made me to be to other people, than what am I doing?
If I began to give me 100%, I would get 100% back. Whether it's Gods plan to show you 100% from others in the first day, or He blesses you with it 50 days later. You don't know. Sorry.
But it's Gods hope you show HIS love to others. And at this point in my life, I believe that if you give that, you'll get it in return no matter the time or day. You deserve to be loved regardless of who you are and what you've done & you will find what your heart is aching for. And that's coming from a girl who is still at the "hoping for the hope in the hard place" stage.
Who am I to say I deserve to be treated better when I'm not sure I know how to treat people either? who are you to do the same?
For me it was time to put down the fiction and come to realize life has a reality to it & we need to stop treating people like characters in a book, as if they'll just forgive us and move on that's not real life & as much as I wish it was.. it's not.
This just really hit my heart tonight & I had to share it. Feeling so empty, and wondering why; leads you to a million different thoughts, but if you can branch it off and then find the root; you'll have a brand new life goal in no time & I want nothing more than to give what I'm receiving and vise-versa.
I pray and have hope you'll do the same in your daily walk.
Thanks so much for reading. Have an amazing rest of your day & God bless you!! <3 ❤️💜