In 2k15, it is so beyond me how people find their self worth, or how they think their self worth is defined and where they search for it. especially women. it saddens my heart to know there are teen girls, and teens becoming adults who seek after men like they need to seek after the lord.
We so often “need to look pretty for him!” and “he cant come over until i have at least mascara on!” and we think we need to be on our A game in every aspect before he can see or talk to us, and its this crazy infatuation we have with constantly needing to be good enough, and always thinking we need to say the right thing and be the right version of ourselves; when really thats all pointless and our self worth is found in Jesus.
He payed such a price for us to love Him and cherish him.
God says “you are my treasured possession, my peculiar treasure” (Exodus 19:5) and he wants you more than anyone, or anything ever will.
its always been so hard for me to comprehend that, until i came into an encounter with love. To come into a spiritual encounter with the father. and worship music is great for that. But the real question is, when you're all by yourself- can you encounter the father? can you encounter love?
i encountered this after i had experienced some deep hurt, i was sitting in my room glooming about it and i began to cry. My heart hurt, and i wanted nothing more than to be anywhere but here. Suddenly i fell to the floor from my desk chair, and cried out to The Lord. I was feeling such pain, but in the same moment God held me in his loving arms and embraced me, and told me who i was: His.
Pain isn't instantly taken away every time, but with The Lord
To understand that God truly, completely loves us is insane to fathom. Honestly, i sometimes have a hard time even thinking He exists- “where’s God?” but we only question that when we’re not investing time in Him. All relationships are two way streets, and we cant expect God to be both sides of it!
I am in a constantly changing, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ; i have known Jesus loved me since a very young age, but its taken me until i was eighteen and a couple dozen bad life experiences to realize what love is. Love is Jesus. Love is the price he payed for me on that cross. He payed such an incredible price…and all He wants back for that, is our love, and our hearts.
I’ve come notice, i am one of the strongest people i know, but its through Jesus that I am. I recently started my freshman year of college, and i noticed myself caving. i didn't let myself think too much about it, because i knew if i did pain would follow, and regret and.. and conviction. Thats the scary one. You finally feel bad about it, because The Lord is revealing Himself in your heart. My strength through situations is Gods love and His promises. Even though i made mistakes, He held me closer than anyone ever could, and continued to write our love story by finding me in my hard place, and calling me to him.
God is constantly writing your love story, always. He is always seeking your heart and craving your love. He can never get enough of you, and His love is breath taking, unfathomable and beyond our comprehension. He sees us in our worst, and makes us look our best. He loves us in happy times, and loves us in bad times. He sees our hurt, and holds us in his embrace.
Psalm 34:18 “When you are brokenhearted, i am close to you”