Friday, 5 August 2016

The Ultimate Struggle of Christianity

It's hard being a Christian. It's hard being raised in a Christian home. It's really hard figuring out what you as your own person believes. 
My entire life I've gone through the motions of life: gone to Sunday school as a kid, went to jr. high youth group as a pre-teen, went to senior youth group as a teenager, went to church on Sunday's. 
I've never honestly been the Christian who plays it safe. I have always been the type of person to speak my mind, and have my own opinion, regardless of anyone else's. 
Being a Christian as a young adult in this world, this world that is constantly changing, constantly becoming more accepting & more and more people are going with the motions (too); is beyond difficult & let me tell you why.

I love people, I will never put someone down, make them feel ashamed or belittled for who they are, what they believe is true, who they love, how they dress, their past relationships and trials; not only because Gods love displays that but because that's just who I am. Point blank. But I think a lot of times what those who judge Christians mistaken acceptance for is settling or giving into the world.  
It's hard being a Christian now because you want to display Gods love and love your neighbour as unto yourself (Matthew 22:39) but non-Christians see that as us saying that a sinful life is ok, and I constantly feel stuck, trapped and confused on what to say, what to feel and what to believe is true. 
If Gods word says to love your neighbour, that's everyone around you- it doesn't say "love some of your neighbours under these conditions" it's very straight forward. I. love. people. 

It's also hard because as someone who doesn't like to play life safe, I take risks, I love doing adventurous crazy things, I want to truly live life. Where the difficulty of living this Christian life comes in, is when someone else's idea of fun isn't something I was into, but now is. I'm not perfect, I am flawed & I have sinned and made mistakes. But I also won't apologize for them. It's hard when your faith is challenged because your friends want to drink or any other act you know isn't 100% you; and you "give in" and you never hear the end of it. 
Knowing that God is real is so much bigger than a drink or two that I have, or what I wear or who I don't judge, guys. it's so much more than that, it's knowing there is a creator of the universe who made you intriquitely original & 100% breathe taking that He had his son die for you on the cross. It's knowing THAT is true before anything else. 
It could be complicated or it could be simple. I choose simplicity & love. 

I believe there is a God, I believe that cross stood with Jesus on it, bleeding for my sins, though I also believe in acceptance and love & life. God knows your heart & wants to hear it. Share love, speak what you believe & don't stop until you get exactly what you want.