Wednesday, 11 February 2015


As im only 18 years old, I haven't seen the whole world, I haven't felt every feeling, I don't always know what to say and Im still scared of the dark some days.

But as I've come to realize, I know what I want to expect, I know what I deserve, I know what's best for me & who I am as a person & who I belong to &, to me that's so much more important than always knowing everything. 
When it comes to dating relationships, im far from an expert & im not going to beat around the bush and say I've had (a) good past relationship(s), im also not going to make that plural, because it isn't in my story.
(disclaimer, im honest here) 

At the age of 16, I was in love with the idea of love. When it came knocking at my door, I opened it at the first sign of interest. (tip number one:) don't fall for the first one that shows interest in you. 
Settling because that's what's easiest at the time, will not be the easiest in the long run. Your heart can hurt in ways you haven't even fathomed yet.

As the past two years have gone by, The Lord has changed my heart and my views on dating relationships, as tough as they can be to get over, they're also a blessing in disguise. (yes I've tweeted that before, I do that) tip number two: ending one thing, doesn't mean the end of everything. 

Basically, I know that relationships can suck, and I also know how easy it can be to fall in love with love.
Guys are these crazy mix of emotions that we never see coming. But (tip number 3:) we also have to remember who God set us out for, and that He has our hearts in mind through it all.  

When you're dating someone, did you know that they're not actually "yours"? You don't belong to someone until marriage, so before that I hope you feel similar to this: 
I want to be able to look at the person that has married my ex and say "I took care of him, i prepared him for true love and i honoured him through our experiences in our dating relationship" 

I personally would never want to be the reason for somebody to have insecurities in their next relationship(s). I would never want to have someone's heart in my hand, and by choice: crush it. 
You have a choice to make in life and that is to honor others with all of your heart, or lay in a field of dishonour and disrespect.

Because of a past I fear to repeat, I have fears that have followed me until now. Until God has placed on my heart a renewing of my soul and an opened new door to a field of understanding; showing me that one persons non-respect for you doesn't mean that another/ the next person you're with will be the same way. 
They're really not all the same, if you listen to God and know that He has the timing down pat & knows how your heart feels and is honouring it. Your side of the relationship is patience. 
I dream of a day, where men look at women as genuine beauty and not objects to gawk and pest at. 
I see a time and a change where men love and respect their wife's, merrily for who they are and not what they can do in a bedroom.
I pray for a time where exes with bad history and a scary past can learn to forgive and talk as friends. I mean you loved each other deeply at one point, why is it an issue to talk with them as a real friend? friendship is possible and it's a positive, not a negative. 
I dream of a day where men respect women's decisions and are by their side when they make them. 
But more than anything, I pray for the men of this world to be honest with women. 
And to see that until they have a legal ring on their finger, they do not belong to you and you are to lead them to the next person with honor and respect and being proud that you guided them through that season of life, allowing you to be friends for years to come. 
I wish this was the case for me, and many others. But that's not always the case, sadly. 

     Respecting decisions and honouring             
             hearts with a Godly love. 
     Oh Jesus I pray for that. all of that. 

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