It sometimes takes a long time for someone who suffered from depression to realize what they're worth. It can be a walk we take, a nap we have with some crazy dream, or as I hilariously put last time, a shower- that can change our outlook on life.
The same shower that I mentioned in my last [Part 1] post:
( is the same shower that showed me something extraordinary that can lead to incredible happiness.
As mediocre as you may think I will sound in these next words, I believe it's a technique that will lead me to my fullest self. Little things in your day, and week can lead to a spiritual growth, and can be a depression shrinker!
As I realized earlier amidst the shampoo, happiness is the little things. Things like:
- reading a chapter of a book once a day (I request Spoken For by Robin Jones Gunn & Alyssa Bethke)
- Next, paint your nails.Whether it be for 2 days or 9 weeks; make them look pretty and stop biting them!
- Make a goal to buy yourself something nice, small or medium sized once every two weeks off of your pay and save for something big you really want. Make goals, fun goals and do something for you.
- Reorganize your room. Now this one may sound silly for those lazy people out there. But I did it the other day, without moving any furniture, and I feel more organized and zen and it added to my happiness and contentment.
- Hang inspiring signs in your space (bedroom, bathroom living room, etc) I have signs all over my bedroom that inspire me to keep going. Things like "Faith is being sure of what you hope for", "Collect moments, not things" "Dream"and "Life is a beautiful ride". Because it's things like this that when I'm feeling down and I feel like no one else is there, I know God is letting me know I'll get through.
- Listen to worship music and or upbeat songs! This is one of the best things I do to feel whole, and to feel more myself. I put headphones in, or wait till no ones home and I crank the worship and Justin Bieber and I dance around the house singing His praises, and maybe a little bit of Sorry and What Do You Mean ;) I give it to God through worship, and that helps my happiness.
- Finally, binge watch Grey's Anatomy or Friends. Cause there's no way you can go wrong there.
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