Sunday, 7 February 2016

Seasons of Life

With Valentine's Day coming up, my mom and I sat down and watched the movie (Valentine's Day) on Netflix. Without thinking about it, we hit play and gawked over the love stories, and I oohed over the overly attractive guys. (thank the Lord for Patrick Dempsey and Ashton Kutcher)
Anyways, by the end we were love struck, jealous and I was honestly left feeling lonely.
I came into my room to think and just talk to God about it, before I began to pray I started watching a Youtube video (The Ex-Boyfriend Tag) with Andrea Ruessett and Kian Lawley- two of my favourites on Youtube. And a quarter way through it the word Season  came into my mind. "Season, season, season". In this video I saw that they were okay, that they were in a new phase of life, something God kept whispering to me as a season. They were okay, friends in fact and carrying on, laughing about memories, and talking about why they broke up ant etc.

I suddenly opened my Bible, and where God took me was to Leviticus 26. If you were to flip to that book, and that chapter right now you might be confused with how it relates to my loneliness; but God spoke to me through it, and whether it was read by me the "right" way, or I was left interpreting it differently than it was intended, it worked.
Leviticus 26:1 says: "Do not make idols or set up carved images, or sacred pillars, or sculptured stones in your land so you may worship them. I am the Lord your God."
This verse more than likely means more than one thing, and is 99.9% interpreted by many people differently. God brought it to me in a way where I saw the idols and images as what I expect love to be, this stunningly beautiful love story like in the movies, this never before seen or felt way of how a guy will tell you he still loves you, or that he always has, and always will- and the land as being my heart and my mind, and at the end of the verse, God is reminding you He is the one you are to love more than anything.
My land is expecting this multitude of idols to come so I can worship and honour them, but I'm forgetting about Gods love. Forgetting that this is a season I can fall in love with God through, and not an earthly man. Forgetting that He is who I am to honour and praise because of His promise and love for me.

So back to the word "season", as I read the rest of the chapter up to verse nine (9) I began to see the word Season in more than one of the sentences. It talks about harvesting fruit, yielding the crops and the grape harvest, and the season of planting grain. I saw all of these as metaphors for my life, reminding me there are seasons of life we are to enjoy, seasons of life we are to take our time in, and seasons of life to be utterly thankful for.
I'm currently walking through a season of life in which I call "The Single Season". Though its been a while since I've been in a relationship, God has needed this season to last longer than others; so that my heart can change.
If we rush our crops, and plant our harvest too late or too soon it will go bad, or not turn out right. It's the same way with our lives, we can't rush the seasons, or we won't become who God needs us to be for the seasons ahead. in 26:6 it speaks on giving you peace, you will be rid of fear.
As God holds be through this season, and teaches me being single is a season in which He needs me in for now, giving me peace, and not having me fear the road ahead, I know He has someone amazing for me in mind, who will demonstrate Gods love to me, and that will be a new season.

Enjoy the seasons of life God carries you through, that will make the next season all the more beautiful.

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