Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The Happy Project [Part 2]

It sometimes takes a long time for someone who suffered from depression to realize what they're worth. It can be a walk we take, a nap we have with some crazy dream, or as I hilariously put last time, a shower- that can change our outlook on life.

The same shower that I mentioned in my last [Part 1] post:
 ( is the same shower that showed me something extraordinary that can lead to incredible happiness.

As mediocre as you may think I will sound in these next words, I believe it's a technique that will lead me to my fullest self. Little things in your day, and week can lead to a spiritual growth, and can be a depression shrinker!
As I realized earlier amidst the shampoo, happiness is the little things. Things like:
- reading a chapter of a book once a day (I request Spoken For by Robin Jones Gunn & Alyssa  Bethke)
- Next, paint your nails.Whether it be for 2 days or 9 weeks; make them look pretty and stop biting them!
- Make a goal to buy yourself something nice, small or medium sized once every two weeks off of your pay and save for something big you really want. Make goals, fun goals and do something for you.
- Reorganize your room. Now this one may sound silly for those lazy people out there. But I did it the other day, without moving any furniture, and I feel more organized and zen and it added to my happiness and contentment.
- Hang inspiring signs in your space (bedroom, bathroom living room, etc) I have signs all over my bedroom that inspire me to keep going. Things like "Faith is being sure of what you hope for", "Collect moments, not things" "Dream"and "Life is a beautiful ride". Because it's things like this that when I'm feeling down and I feel like no one else is there, I know God is letting me know I'll get through.
- Listen to worship music and or upbeat songs! This is one of the best things I do to feel whole, and to feel more myself. I put headphones in, or wait till no ones home and I crank the worship and Justin Bieber and I dance around the house singing His praises, and maybe a little bit of Sorry and What Do You Mean ;) I give it to God through worship, and that helps my happiness.
- Finally, binge watch Grey's Anatomy or Friends. Cause there's no way you can go wrong there.

The Happy Project [Part 1]

For a while now I have suffered from a form of depression even I have trouble describing.
I have mood swings, I define my personality as "miserable", and I allowed myself to be convinced that that's who I am, and "I'll just have to live with it"... Little did I know, I've been so wrong.

If I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm going to say I was in the shower this evening and had one of those typical "shower thoughts", only it was the Lord speaking to me; odd timing, I know.
I have convinced myself my disease or whatever you want to call it, was me. That this miserable, cursing, lonely, sad, mopey person was who I am.. But tonight the Lord informed me that this isn't who I am to be, and that it's only the person I allowed myself to be.
I remember the kindred spirit of a little girl I was, I was shy but inside I felt so much more than I said. I was quiet, and timid, and my heart was beating for God.
But when I was little and there would be special services for people who didn't know Jesus I would always accept the Lord as my Saviour, again and again because I thought it wasn't good enough that I did it once, and the teachers in Sunday School who knew me and knew my parents would always look at me funny because they knew I knew Jesus, and probably thought I was confused, or forgot. I never did forget, I just wanted to make sure God knew I loved Him, so I would prove it time and time again. Until one day I realized, it isn't the amount of times I re-accept Him into my heart, because He will always be there from day one until the end of time. He loves me so profusely, that He would send His son, to die for me. Me. Me?
Yeah, me.

It's insane sometimes that through depression we can be convinced we're who were supposed to be, that we're stuck this way; then we realize God has something so much bigger and better for us than this. than that. than her.
The Victoria I am, and the person you can be, is the little happy soul of a little girl or boy you were. The girl I want to be again and I aim to be everyday, is the little girl who realized that she didn't need to keep on asking for God to love her, and to accept Him into her heart, but the one who knew He would stay there forever. Forever.
Regardless of the circumstances we're under, no matter how far we've gone; it can be the 20 minutes you spend in the shower that can change the outlook you have on your life, God and how much He loves you. Profoundly, deeply. loves. YOU.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Never Enough of God...

"Hungry, I come to you; for I know You satisfy. I am empty, but I know your love does not run dry."

Often in life our satisfaction is never filled, we can never have enough money, we never feel happy with our mediocre job, we never have enough time in the day to do what we want, but there is one thing I know for sure, and that is that there is never enough time spent with God, and theres no limit to the amount of Him you can have. As Christians we should always want more, and I want to be never satisfied with the amount of God that I have, I always want to want more of Him. 
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62:5-8) 
“My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times… My soul faints with longing for your salvation” (Psalm 119:20, 81)
As we grow older, we learn more. We seek more wisdom and knowledge, and we are curious. In Luke 2:40, it says "And the child (being Jesus) grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favour of God was upon Him". This verse was in my church sermon this morning, and it hit me hard, because I thought that Jesus was born into the world knowing everything, God gave him everything he needed and he was as smart as could be, but realizing Jesus had things to learn about, and grow wisdom through, has me seeing that its okay to not know everything, and its okay to learn, and most of all, its its amazing to know Jesus was the same way. 
We still have things to learn, and by grace through faith we will. 
As we grow and learn in this life, may we realize that as it says in Philippians 2:15, to be lights in the world, in a twisted and crooked generation; that we could shine the light of God and learn wisdom through His leading, and His will. 

If you may learn anything from this short blog post, let it be to never not want more of God, be hungry always for Him, follow His leading, and know that learning wisdom and growing more understanding is being just like Jesus. Provided it's in His will for your life, and you do it by His great name. And to be lights in this dark world. 

God bless, Merry belated Christmas! 

Sunday, 20 December 2015

To My Best Friend

To my best friend, we aren't the type who want to go shopping every weekend, we aren't the type to skype call when Vampire Diaries is on, we aren't the type to gossip and we sure aren't into girly drama, and my favourite part, we don't have to text every day to be as close as we are. 
Some friendships are a once in a life time sorta thing, and I believe that's what we have. We get cheesy and corny with each other, and we know each other's deep emotions without having to cry about it, or even speak in order for the other person to understand we're deeply hurt or upset about the topic. 
When we get together it doesn't matter what we do, it could be driving to our spot & talking, baking puppy chow (that I forget to add the butter into) or playing board games with the family- there's never a dull moment and there's never a time where we don't pick up right where we left off. 
I don't think I thank you enough for all that you are for me. You're my right hand, you're my go to😉;) you're my taxi, my beckon call, you're the person I tell everything to, and I trust you with my life. 
Thank you for "nigga beats®", and "bud", & "fart hole nigga", thank you for always being down to sit in Timmies and play Mad-Libs with me, thanks for letting me have the last bite, thank you for telling me I deserve better, thanks for putting up with my stories & understanding my heart. Thank you for believing in me, and giving me hope that my decisions are the right ones. Thank you for not being bossy, but telling me how it is when I need to hear it. 
Thank you for commenting my name on hilarious Facebook posts and thank you for hating life with me. Thanks for agreeing to disagree, and thanks for calling me when you're bored. Thank you, for being my person. I will always be yours. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Self Worth + Your Love Story

In 2k15, it is so beyond me how people find their self worth, or how they think their self worth is defined and where they search for it. especially women. it saddens my heart to know there are teen girls, and teens becoming adults who seek after men like they need to seek after the lord. 
We so often “need to look pretty for him!” and “he cant come over until i have at least mascara on!” and we think we need to be on our A game in every aspect before he can see or talk to us, and its this crazy infatuation we have with constantly needing to be good enough, and always thinking we need to say the right thing and be the right version of ourselves; when really thats all pointless and our self worth is found in Jesus. 
He payed such a price for us to love Him and cherish him. 

God says “you are my treasured possession, my peculiar treasure” (Exodus 19:5) and he wants you more than anyone, or anything ever will. 

its always been so hard for me to comprehend that, until i came into an encounter with love. To come into a spiritual encounter with the father. and worship music is great for that. But the real question is, when you're all by yourself- can you encounter the father? can you encounter love? 
i encountered this after i had experienced some deep hurt, i was sitting in my room glooming about it and i began to cry. My heart hurt, and i wanted nothing more than to be anywhere but here. Suddenly i fell to the floor from my desk chair, and cried out to The Lord. I was feeling such pain, but in the same moment God held me in his loving arms and embraced me, and told me who i was: His. 
Pain isn't instantly taken away every time, but with The Lord 

To understand that God truly, completely loves us is insane to fathom. Honestly, i sometimes have a hard time even thinking He exists- “where’s God?” but we only question that when we’re not investing time in Him. All relationships are two way streets, and we cant expect God to be both sides of it!

I am in a constantly changing, and growing relationship with Jesus Christ; i have known Jesus loved me since a very young age, but its taken me until i was eighteen and a couple dozen bad life experiences to realize what love is. Love is Jesus. Love is the price he payed for me on that cross. He payed such an incredible price…and all He wants back for that, is our love, and our hearts. 

I’ve come notice, i am one of the strongest people i know, but its through Jesus that I am. I recently started my freshman year of college, and i noticed myself caving. i didn't let myself think too much about it, because i knew if i did pain would follow, and regret and.. and conviction. Thats the scary one. You finally feel bad about it, because The Lord is revealing Himself in your heart. My strength through situations is Gods love and His promises. Even though i made mistakes, He held me closer than anyone ever could, and continued to write our love story by finding me in my hard place, and calling me to him. 

God is constantly writing your love story, always. He is always seeking your heart and craving your love. He can never get enough of you, and His love is breath taking, unfathomable and beyond our comprehension. He sees us in our worst, and makes us look our best. He loves us in happy times, and loves us in bad times. He sees our hurt, and holds us in his embrace. 

Psalm 34:18 “When you are brokenhearted, i am close to you”

Thursday, 10 September 2015

5 Things To Know About People Who Suffer From Anxiety

5 things to know about people who suffer from anxiety:

  1. we can’t relax when you tell us to. - sorry what? Im quite positive my lungs feel like they’re about to cave in, and my heart feels like its popping out of my chest, but yah know; telling me to relax will fix that in no time!
  2. don’t tell us its okay - i know you’re trying to make me feel better and all but I’m not okay. I’m sweating and blacking out and as much as we both wish it was okay, it isn’t. Sometimes its best to just not say anything and rub my back and be silent.
  3. We have our good and bad days, our good and bad moments and our awful aching hours. but we’re happy people. 
  4. There are so many different types of anxiety that doctors probably don’t even understand or know about-from situational anxiety all the way to the generically known stress anxiety and panic attacks. Everyones different and everyone reacts and relaxes differently. We may have the same type of anxiety but were two different people. No one is the same especially with anxiety. 
  5. Not even we understand it.- When you ask us why were having an anxiety most times (especially for myself) we don’t know, it just.. happens. and we deal with it in the moment. 
The Lord says to cast all anxieties onto him, which through my anxiety i have learned is all i can do. I’ve given my anxiety to the lord in my moments of attacks, and struggles to the best of my abilities. 
The most generic verse i could give you that says what i just said but in 1 Peter 5:7 “cast all your anxiety onto Him because He cares for you.”
Isaiah 40:31says this:
“but those who hope i the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint”
What that says to me, is those who wait upon the lord and serve him will have all their anxiety, pain and suffering will have it be renewed in Him and replaced with love, strength, and assurance. 
Matthew 6:34- “therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. each day has enough trouble of its own"

If I give it to The Lord, its the one thing i know will keep me sane. Breathe through each moment, gather it all in, and make the most of each breathe you take and be grateful for it. Because anxiety is just a thing, a thing we can deal with and cast onto The Lord. 


Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Dear Mom & Dad

Thank you. Thank you for getting me this far, thank you for putting up with my quirks & faults, my tears and my smiles. Thank you for being too hard on me, thank you for listening to me & most of all thank you for letting me speak my mind.

Many people are not as privileged as I am to grow up in a household where they have a voice, but I was blessed enough to have you two as parents, and I am blessed enough to be heard.

Thank you for never letting us open a Christmas gift early, thank you for playing hide and seek in the dark and scaring the living day lights out of me, thank you for squeezing my hand at Disney World daddy, and thank you for rubbing & patting my back until I fell asleep mommy. 
Thank you for showing me such Godly attributes to live by, and teaching me to love the God that created me, and thank you for having amazing talks on my self worth and my insecurities- whether it be at 3 AM, or on a car ride home. Thank you. 

Thank you for allowing me to choose the school I wanted to go to, you have never rushed us to make big decisions, and never held us back from our dreams. 

Now you're doing the most difficult thing parents do, you're letting me go. 

You're planning going away showers, buying me plates and towels and cups and you're getting a second job to help with our school expenses and buying me textbooks; even though in doing all that- you're helping me leave. 

Before I go and you are no longer one room over, or even one city over- I want to let you know I'll be okay. 

Don't doubt the way you've raised me, and have faith in who you've taught me to be. Through every single day I've been in this house, you've taught me at least one thing a day. I know who I am in Jesus Christ, and who I want to portray to others that I am. Don't doubt the person I have become and what I stand for.

I want you to know, I will miss you like I've never missed anyone, I will get home sick and I will most likely cry myself to sleep at least one night- I will call you when I've had a bad day and ask you to talk till I feel better; even though your not in the next room; I will always need you. both of you. forever. 

But... I will also love the freedom. From the time I was able to know what freedom was I haven't been able to wait to have it. The first few weeks I will be thriving off of it. But know that it's just temporary, and don't take it personally at all. 

Although this may be the end of one era, know that this is the beginning of an incredible one and the world awaits us all. 
I want you to explore, find new things, make new foods, have fun without me. I want to hear about all of it when I come back! (but not too much fun.. miss me a little) 
I will never let a day pass where I don't work my hardest because the two of you have never taken a break to not do that for us. 

Thank you for loving me through my mistakes, and the ones I have yet to make. 
I will be okay, as nervous as I am. I will. and I love you to the moon & back. ❤️🌙

Thursday, 25 June 2015

What Inside Out Taught Me About My Christian Walk

You've probably all heard of it by now, and if you haven't- step out from under the rock ;) 
I'm kidding, so if you don't know there is a brand new Pixar movie that hit theatres this past week (June 19th) taking you inside of characters brains, including the "main brain" as a young girl by the name of Riley, who moves from Minnesota to San Fransico at the age of eleven. 
She thought she had everything figured out in life, including her friends, sports,
family, home living, most of all who she was

This to me is where God stepped in. 
We're constantly thinking we have every little thing about our lives figured out. What we like, who our friends are, our plans for the future and our favourite bible verse. But it's crazy how God changes our hearts and our minds through time, without us even really realizing it. 
I mean, could you sit here today and tell me you're still into watching Teletubbies and eating the ham sandwich your grandma made you? probably not. 
Let's not all deny we could still toss out some Barbie Dolls and rock her a new outfit though. (never let your childhood die) 

We change. whether we like it or not. And so can the way we look at things. Our faith, other people, ourselves, the list goes on. 
Often times, like in Inside Out we go through experiences that shape who we are in the future and eatch experience becomes a part of our personality.
Riley's five " personality islands" are: Hockey Island, Family Island, Honesty Island, Friendship Island & Goofball island (my personal favourite) 
What experiences have you gone through where God has shaped you into the person that you are today? 
Everything Riley went through provided her with these islands, so let me ask you. 
What are your 5 Godly islands of personality? 
How has God created you in His image, and what's parts of you has he especially made to honour him with? Do your five islands honor the God who created them? 

My five islands would have to be... 
Makeup Island, Family Island, Loyalty Island, Music Island, & Accepting Island. 
And as crazy as it may sound, I believe I use all of those islands to worship my King with.
I hope you worship God with all that you are from your personality islands, and give all of what you can, and understand our islands may change, but our God never does. And let us worship Him with who we are, and who he's continuously creating us to be. 

Matthew 6:25-34
Psalms 139:13-16 

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Loneliness (Intro)

Hi, I'm Victoria. I prefer being called my short form, Toria. I am eighteen years old, I love photography, my family and best of all... I'm a Christian.
From the time I was little I loved being alone, I loved reading books in my room after school and before bed, I loved playing with my barbies and having my own world in each of my actives that was my own. 
I've realized mostly recently that because of lack of imagination, I'm more lonely.
I still thoroughly enjoy being alone. Whether that be watching YouTube videos in my room for a few hours or going on a two hour drive by myself... I love it. 
But, we are never actually alone... and for me, there's two parts to that statement. 

As The Lord has led my walk through life, I've had up and down seasons in my life.
I've had times where I'm on fire for God and times where I'd rather just sleep or occupy my time in other ways, ways that have nothing to do with God.
God has never left me through any of those times, the hot times and the Luke warm; even though those "should never exist" we all know that they do.
I've come to see through time by myself, it's so much more enjoyable to have Him to talk to.. being lonely stems from lack of God, lack of prayer, lack of effort and lack of intimacy with Him. 
I find everyone this generation always needs to be entertained, always needs something to do, but through my deep breathes, I've seen God show me comfort, and that once I invest myself into time with him instead of YouTube or sleep, I feel so much more fulfilled and  comforted.  

The second part is imagination, but I'll talk about that more soon ;) 😏😂

1 Peter 5:7"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 

Isaiah 41:10: "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Wednesday, 11 February 2015


As im only 18 years old, I haven't seen the whole world, I haven't felt every feeling, I don't always know what to say and Im still scared of the dark some days.

But as I've come to realize, I know what I want to expect, I know what I deserve, I know what's best for me & who I am as a person & who I belong to &, to me that's so much more important than always knowing everything. 
When it comes to dating relationships, im far from an expert & im not going to beat around the bush and say I've had (a) good past relationship(s), im also not going to make that plural, because it isn't in my story.
(disclaimer, im honest here) 

At the age of 16, I was in love with the idea of love. When it came knocking at my door, I opened it at the first sign of interest. (tip number one:) don't fall for the first one that shows interest in you. 
Settling because that's what's easiest at the time, will not be the easiest in the long run. Your heart can hurt in ways you haven't even fathomed yet.

As the past two years have gone by, The Lord has changed my heart and my views on dating relationships, as tough as they can be to get over, they're also a blessing in disguise. (yes I've tweeted that before, I do that) tip number two: ending one thing, doesn't mean the end of everything. 

Basically, I know that relationships can suck, and I also know how easy it can be to fall in love with love.
Guys are these crazy mix of emotions that we never see coming. But (tip number 3:) we also have to remember who God set us out for, and that He has our hearts in mind through it all.  

When you're dating someone, did you know that they're not actually "yours"? You don't belong to someone until marriage, so before that I hope you feel similar to this: 
I want to be able to look at the person that has married my ex and say "I took care of him, i prepared him for true love and i honoured him through our experiences in our dating relationship" 

I personally would never want to be the reason for somebody to have insecurities in their next relationship(s). I would never want to have someone's heart in my hand, and by choice: crush it. 
You have a choice to make in life and that is to honor others with all of your heart, or lay in a field of dishonour and disrespect.

Because of a past I fear to repeat, I have fears that have followed me until now. Until God has placed on my heart a renewing of my soul and an opened new door to a field of understanding; showing me that one persons non-respect for you doesn't mean that another/ the next person you're with will be the same way. 
They're really not all the same, if you listen to God and know that He has the timing down pat & knows how your heart feels and is honouring it. Your side of the relationship is patience. 
I dream of a day, where men look at women as genuine beauty and not objects to gawk and pest at. 
I see a time and a change where men love and respect their wife's, merrily for who they are and not what they can do in a bedroom.
I pray for a time where exes with bad history and a scary past can learn to forgive and talk as friends. I mean you loved each other deeply at one point, why is it an issue to talk with them as a real friend? friendship is possible and it's a positive, not a negative. 
I dream of a day where men respect women's decisions and are by their side when they make them. 
But more than anything, I pray for the men of this world to be honest with women. 
And to see that until they have a legal ring on their finger, they do not belong to you and you are to lead them to the next person with honor and respect and being proud that you guided them through that season of life, allowing you to be friends for years to come. 
I wish this was the case for me, and many others. But that's not always the case, sadly. 

     Respecting decisions and honouring             
             hearts with a Godly love. 
     Oh Jesus I pray for that. all of that. 

Honesty Hour

As im only 18 years old, I haven't seen the whole world, I haven't felt every feeling, I don't always know what to say and Im still scared of the dark some days.

But as I've come to realize, I know what I want to expect, I know what I deserve, I know what's best for me & who I am as a person & who I belong to &, to me that's so much more important than always knowing everything. 
When it comes to dating relationships, im far from an expert & im not going to beat around the bush and say I've had good past relationships, im also not going to make that plural, because it isn't in my story. (disclaimer, im honest here) 
Im tired of being afraid to write a blog about love, because of being afraid of opinions of multiple people, and rumors that could start or any other 10th grade drama that at this point, isn't what im trying to create. 
I write these blogs to get out my heart and through that I hope that God can help change your lives through me by giving you an entirely new perspective on situations and happenings in your life. I pray that through the blog that will be posted shortly after this one, you can see my heart and let it help heal yours as The Father has done to mine. 

                     Thank you

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Dear 16 year old me:

Dear 16 year old me:

Although you don't exactly know who you are right now, feeling lost doesn't last forever. 
You'll meet new people, say goodbye to a lot and have some high on the list regrets. 
The regrets you do have, won't end up out weighing the accomplishments & you'll be more and more proud of yourself as time goes on. 
Right now you feel secluded, but freedom is never as far away as you feel it is. What you want is as far out as you reach your finger tips. 

Right now you can't see God, but circumstances will re-introduce Him to you. In an even deeper love, and higher satisfaction than you've ever felt before, and that's just the beginning. 

In the next two years, you'll fall hard, and you'll also give all of what you've got to people who can't give you half of who they don't even know they are. 
In another two years from now, that fact will be consigned to oblivion. 
Although, never settle for a penny less than you deserve on a single thing: friendships, boyfriends, money you earn, grades you recieve, content you create. Credit always deserves to be given where credit is due. 

Always look both ways, you never know what could come crashing through your intersection of life. 

Never be afraid to cast your opinion, at the age of 16 it's easy to be misunderstood and undermined & you deserve a voice, shout it loud and shout it clear. (seriously, stop mumbling; people have a hard time understanding you) 
Slow down when you speak too, repeating yourself three times doesn't become fun, it really doesn't. 

Two years from now, you'll be a whole new version of yourself, but that girl won't come easy, and she will still face hard times. She'll just face them easier than she did before. 

Confidence is a key to a lot of different success' and facing your anxieties head on can be the hardest and easiest thing you'll ever do for yourself. But cockiness is easy to reach too, always stay humble and be grateful for what you have, and who you are. 

If I was to list off all the things I wish I could've warned you about when I was 16, this could've turned into a book, maybe it might. You're as bright as the sun. And believe that. 

               18 year old Victoria 

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Testimony: Patience, Praise and Path

As life happens around us, it's hard for us to see God when we're not open to looking for Him. 
When we believe that what we have is enough, God seems to come through; showing us that we deserve even more than what we think is enough. 
Months ago I was really stuck, feeling like I wanted a fresh start in my job. I was sick and tired of the same thing, the same people & feeling like I wasn't appreciated or needed. So as a Christian, I began to pray. Knowing God would satisfy my soul. I would never have to be afraid, because one thing remained. Him. 
I would pray often enough to feel like God wasn't listening to my heart, so I stopped for a time period & would just think about it on and off & hope that God would hear my heart. 

I had never felt so angered in where I was at in my job, and was becoming less willing to work hard, and would often slack (in my own personal opinion) 
When my boss reached out to me asking me to switch stores because I was needed at another location, I didn't want to, but when I said yes, I didn't realize that today I would feel the way I do. Through me changing locations, God was curing the first ache in my heart that craved change, and a different job that I had tried to get for quite a while. That was His first step. 

But the feeling of graciousness and thankfulness did not arrive until yesterday. (After all this happened) 
I worked the make shift, and for me that was the most depressing time in my life, although it was short lived I knew that I needed out of there & was feeling more stuck and more depressed than I ever had, even more than when I was working at the other store. 
I got off of the night shift by praying for Gods grace through asking to be taken off them, and put back to my store (of 3 years) 
I was taken off the shift, but I wasn't transferred back and that upset me, but it wasn't a tragedy and I would live with it while I knew God was teaching me patience. (Psalm 37:7-9, Romans 12:12) 

Three months went by, and I was still feeling this ache in my heart "to go home". I wasn't seeing God, because I wasn't willing to look for Him. While I was busy complaining, God was placing on my heart this feeling of rejoicing to Him. I began to show up to work everyday not working in unhappiness or anger at my manager or co-workers and my environment, I went to work for God, I worked for Him and praised Him through my work, at the job I wasn't happy at & didn't feel appreciated or heard. I worshiped Him because He loves me and I knew He was on my side, and not against me. (Romans 8:31) 

Another month nearly went by, and I praised God with all that I had, and all that I was at my job. Meanwhile unknowingly growing my patience. 
Two days ago, I was told it was time for me to go back to my original store location. I jumped up in my seat, and felt the ache in my heart leave immediately. 

While we're busy being selfish, and not realizing that when we feel doors aren't being opened, Gods just laying out the path in order to satisfy your soul. 
He is always, on your side. Worship Him, because He loves you, and not to get anything in return. He died for you, simply live for Him. And he will satisfy your soul. 


Friday, 9 January 2015

Growing Up

Growing up sucks. 

Im going to get as cliche as it gets, and say that when you're younger you just want to be older.. make your own rules, set your own times & go where you want to go, and then you get 90% of that when you get older and all you want is to be younger, to have your child set of wonder, and excitement & freedom and innocence. As if it's all taken away when you get older, thing is; you have control over how you look at life, on your relationship with Jesus Christ, on your child like sense of wonder, and ultimately your mind set. 

Part of growing up, involves your spiritual growing & that can be a hard journey to face as well. Because as you're growing older, you get more aware of what your savior did for you, you become aware of everything and thoughts and time and excuses get in the way of how much love you show Jesus.. 

Over time and arguing with yourself, you begin to see that Jesus is The Lord of your life, and He guides you through every single season, never hesitating to carry you through it, and letting you learn what it's like to rely souly on Him. 

Knowing that this year is one of the biggest years of my life is scary, I've applied to college, gone full time, really began to save, set new life goals, and in the meantime I've grown up so much in the past year, having to learn from mistakes, seek The Lord and learn of His love for me, and exactly what He did on that cross for yours and mines lives. And I love Him so much. 

“Jesus replied: ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.'” (Matthew 22:37-38) 

To seek The Lord and find Him within your heart, is an incredible feeling and overwhelmes you when you come encountered with Him as your Holy Father. 
To know Jesus and grow spiritually as you grow up, seek Him and you will find. 

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 
